
Physics and CS @ UC Santa Barbara

Hi! Welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a third-year undergraduate student at UC Santa Barbara, studying Physics and Computer Science. My potpurri of interests include Computer Vision, Quantum Computing, Philosophy, and Cycling!

A Few Accomplishments

Here are some things I am proud of!

Smart Security Systems

What started out as an excuse for a few friends to get together for a hackathon in SF turned into a whole (ad)venture for us. Smart Security Systems aims to solve the problem of archiving and making CCTV video footage queriable and provisionable, using Computer Vision techniques to tag videos into metadata. We won the Grand Prize at the Hackathon mentioned, and went on to present a MVP at the sponsoring company's headquarters in Berlin! You can check out our case study here.


CrashMaps is another hackathon project, but one that involves one of my favorite hobbies: cycling! CrashMaps provides a layer of safety for before, during, and after your ride, by connecting with a gyroscope component on your bike via an Android app to detect when crashes occur, contacting your emergency contact if needed. In addition, the location of your crash is logged an put into a heatmap on our web application, showing all the crashes in the recent area. This can be useful when planning rides or analyzing fixes in infrastructre for bicycle safety. You can check out the devpost here, and the project here.

Science Olympiad at UCSB

I am quite fortunate to have had access to awesome STEM programs growing up in the Bay Area, one of them being Science Olympiad. Starting at UCSB, I realized many of the schools in the surrounding region did not have the same access to these programs, whether it was distance or availibility. My student organization hosts a tournament at UCSB every year for middle and high school students in the surrounding counties (Santa Barbara, Ventura, Kern, SLO), as we try to give back to the program that motivated so many of us to pursue STEM in the first place. You can check out more about the program here!

Contact Me

I love talking to new people and having meaningful conversations! I'm always on the look for new opportunities and would be happy to talk. You can contact me through my LinkedIn or my email, linked on the side! You can also find my Strava, Instagram, Github, and Spotify links as well.